Changing the Direction of Medicine
Please call the office at 509-551-3773 to ensure that your insurance company is in our billing system. We also accept cash payments for an office visit starting at $125.00 in lieu of insurance coverage.
The nurse practitioner profession was designed to increase patient access to medical care. Our mission is to change the direction of medicine by bringing healthcare back into the community. Integrity Health seeks to bridge this gap by focusing on the personalized needs of each of our patients. We will compassionately provide patient centered care to fulfill your healthcare needs. We look forward to being a part of your healthcare journey.
Pediatric Well Child Visits
Adult Wellness Visits
Sports Physicals
General Employment Physicals
Return to School/Work Note
Some symptoms, and or illnesses, will require a higher level of care than we can provide. We are not able to treat emergent or urgent medical needs at this time. Please include all symptoms and concerns while initiating your appointment so you can be directed to medical care appropriately.
nurse practitioner
office manager
201512 E Finley Road
Kennewick, WA 99337
Phone: 509-551-3773
Fax: 833-972-1624
Tuesday & Friday
8am to 4pm